This content is available in Italian only. La Fondazione Teatro Massimo di Palermo ha istituito un proprio Albo Fornitori ed…
Per la prima volta, Teatro Massimo e Palazzo Butera curano una mostra congiunta, che collega idealmente le sale del palazzo settecentesco affacciato sul mare con il Teatro, cuore pulsante della città.
You can now visit the operahouse everyday from 9:00AM to 6:00PM(last tour at 5:30PM)
This content is available in Italian only. La Fondazione ringrazia tutti i giovani musicisti che hanno presentato domanda di partecipazione…
Please notice that guided tours will NOT be available on April 27 and 28 2023.
We inform the kind public that on Liberation Day the guided tours of the theater will continue as usual from…
Teatro Massimo is like a “Greek theatre, where every sound reaches you. Sounds mix with the colours of the staging…
During the lockdown, in 2020, Marco Betta made a special guided tour in the deserted theatre, looking for the hidden…
The opera house is open to the public during the festivities and hosts many events. Guided tours are regularly scheduled…