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General Info - Terms and conditions of sale

Purchasing Info

Tickets can be purchased in cash, through debit card, credit card, cheque or bank transfer to the Fondazione Teatro Massimo (Iban: IT79J0306904630100000300068 – Swift code: BCITITMM)).

Cash is accepted for payments up to 5,000.00 euros (as of Legge n. 197 of December 29 2022).

To pay by cheque you need to choose the non transfer close (clausola di non trasferibilità) and make it payable to Fondazione Teatro Massimo.

Concession fares for tickets

The following concessions are available for concerts, operas and ballets turns B, C, D, F, Scuola, Danza, Single-tickets Events (no concessions is available for the Premiere of operas and ballets):
• Young people up to the age of 26
Card Under35 holders
• Groups (at least 20 people for the same performance)
• Disabled people on a wheelchair may access the hall (platea) at the full price of sector 7 at the Teatro Massimo and of sector 4 at the Teatro di Verdura summer venue. Six accessible seats are available for each performance. The standard concession fare applies to severely disabled people and their companions in all sectors
Diamond Card holders
• University of Palermo, Conservatory of Music V. Bellini, Academy of Arts of Palermo students

Where to get your tickets

You can purchase your tickets at the Teatro Massimo box-office, contacting the call center or online.

Tel. +39 091 6053580 Tel. +39 091 6053580

You can purchase tickets over the telephone by credit card. The call center is available from Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm.

Tel. +39 091 8486000 Tel. +39 091 8486000

Purchase your tickets online at You can either print your tickets at home (stampa@casa) or collect them at the box-office on the day of performance, one hour before the scheduled beginning.

Types of seats

The opera house has different types of seats in the stalls (auditorium), boxes and gallery. The hall has a horse-shoe shape and some seat types offer limited viewing of the stage. Boxes have 4, 5 or 6 seats divided in two rows (three seats in the front row and either 1, 2 or 3 seats in the back row).
The number of seats in a box is determined by the viewing: side boxes with 4 seats have a more limited view than central boxes with 6 seats.
Back seats in the boxes are higher stools with backrest. Seats in section 8 (side gallery) are listening seats with no view of the stage.

Terms and conditions of sale

Admission to the Theatre is restricted to ticket-owners only.

On entering the venue, the audience is required to show the ticket to the Theatre’s personnel and to keep it for the rest of the performance.

Tickets cannot be reimbursed, given to others or used for commercial / advertising / promotional purposes unless previously authorized by the Theatre management. Latecomers will not be admitted to the Theatre until a suitable interval. It is forbidden to use a seat other than the one purchased. Changes in the seating assignment can occur for technical or security reasons.

The Theatre reserves the right to provide alternative seats to those specified on the ticket for security or technical reasons. Children under the age of six are not admitted to performances (with the exception of the educational programme for the schools).

The use of cameras and recording equipment is strictly forbidden.

Umbrellas, hats, bags, crash-helmets, photo or videocameras and all recording equipment are to be left in the cloakroom.

Cell phones must be turned off.

The audience is required to stay silent during the performance.

Photographs, video and audio recordings are strictly forbidden.

No food or drink are allowed into the Theatre.

The audience may refer to the person in charge of reception or to the reception personnel for any need.

Smoking is forbidden.

Schedule changes and reimbursements

The management reserves the right to make changes on the timetable, artistic programme and/or the setting and management of the performance, that could be necessary due to technical, artistical or extraordinary reasons not depending on the Theatre’s management will (including workers’ strike and/or due to force majeure).
In the above-mentioned cases, the Theatre will search a suitable alternative consistent with the budget or otherwise provide a reimbursement under the following conditions: 
a) in case of a date change, up to the original date in which the performance was scheduled at the time of purchase; 
b) in case of essential changes due to Teatro’s workers’ strike, or to force majeure such that the performance goes on stage in a partial form (for example opera performed without the orchestra or with piano only and such cases) up to the date of performance; 
c) in case of full cancellation, within 15 days after the date of performance. The relevant SIAE ruling will always be followed. In case of changes in the scheduled performances occur, the audience will be promptly informed through a printed notice in the foyer, this website ( and whenever possible through email. For any other occurence not mentioned here, the Italian law on the matter will apply.

Booking and sale fees

Ticket prices do not include the booking fee (+ 10% of the ticket fare), the sale fee on web purchases (+ 6%), the sale fee on purchases made through the call center and the TicketOne selling points (8%). The booking fee is applied to all purchases, except for tickets bought on the same day of performance.

Ticket Reservation

Only groups of at least 20 people can reserve tickets. The reservation will last 15 days and will then be canceled. All reservations are automatically canceled 7 days before the performance.