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International Brass Competition "Giovanbattista Cutolo"

The Fondazione Teatro Massimo of Palermo holds and organizes the “International Brass Players Competition Giovanbattista Cutolo – First Edition”, with the intention of honoring Giovanbattista Cutolo, a young musician who tragically passed away on 31 August 2023.
This competition aims to celebrate the life and extraordinary talent of Giovanbattista, offering applicants the opportunity to express their passion for music.

Musical Instrument: Horn 
Competition Dates: to be confirmed
Where: Palermo (Italy)
Competition Co-ordinator: Michele De Luca

Art. 1 – Admission Requirements
Horn players of any nationality, between 18 and 34 years of age, can participate in the competition.

Art. 2 – Registration Terms
Applications must be submitted on the Application Form Template you can find attached to this call.
The application must be signed by the candidate and sent to the Fondazione Teatro Massimo of Palermo:
– by sending an email to with subject “Iscrizione I edizione concorso Giovanbattista Cutolo”
– by registered mail to the address: Fondazione Teatro Massimo di Palermo, Piazza Giuseppe Verdi n. 71 – 90138 Palermo (Italy), with the writing  “Iscrizione I edizione concorso Giovanbattista Cutolo” on the envelope.

Together with the Application Form, the applicant must enclose the following documents:
a) a copy of a valid id card or passport;
b) a short artistic resume, in Italian on English;
c) a receipt of payment of the 100,00 euros registration fee.

Art. 3 – Registration Fee
The registration fee amounts to € 100,00 (one hundred euros), payable through bank transfer at:

Fondazione Teatro Massimo di Palermo – Bank INTESA SANPAOLO SPA, Palermo branch;
IBAN: IT 79J0306904630100000300068 – SWIFT: BCITITMM
Reason for payment: “Iscrizione I edizione concorso Giovanbattista Cutolo”.

The bank transfer costs and commissions are borne by the applicant. The registration fee is not refundable in case of renunciation of participation, whatever the reason. The registration fee is refunded exclusively in the event of cancellation of the Competition.

Art. 4 – Registration Deadline

Applications must be received by 28 February 2025 at 11:59pm