Direttore Ingo Metzmacher
Contralto Sara Mingardo
Coro femminile, Coro di voci bianche e Orchestra del Teatro Massimo
Da 13 anni in su | Biglietti 4€ | Prenotazioni dal 4 dicembre
Studenti: 4 €, biglietto ridotto
Gratuità: un docente accompagnatore ogni 10 studenti, studenti H e loro docenti di sostegno
Intero: 10 €, adulti (docenti e genitori) che acquistano il biglietto con la scuola
Per maggiori informazioni
Gustav Mahler
Sinfonia n.3
- 1 March11:00 AMSala Grande
Conductor Umberto Clerici
Violin Silviu Dima
Women’s Chorus and Orchestra of the Teatro Massimo
Choir master Salvatore Punturo
For audiences aged 13 and over
Reservations from December 4th 2023
Reduced price for students: 4 €, reduced ticket
Free entrance: one accompanying teacher for every 10 students, H students and their support teachers
Full price: 10 €, adults (teachers and parents) purchasing the ticket with the school
For further information
Sergej Prokofiev
Due cori op. 7
Claude Debussy
Sirènes from Nocturnes
- 2 February11:00 AMMain Stage
Direttore Alessandro Bonato
Violino Pavel Berman
Orchestra del Teatro Massimo
Scuole secondarie di primo e secondo grado
Studenti: 4 €, biglietto ridotto
Gratuità: un docente accompagnatore ogni 10 studenti, studenti H e loro docenti di sostegno
Intero: 10 €, adulti (docenti e genitori) che acquistano il biglietto con la scuola
Per maggiori informazioni
Jean Sibelius
Concerto per violino e orchestra in re minore op. 47
- 4 May11:00 AMSala Grande
Conductor Omer Meir Wellber
Viola Amihai Grosz
Teatro Massimo Orchestra
The rehearsal is open to school groups.
Find out more
Hector Berlioz
Harold en Italie
Pëtr Il’ič Čajkovskij
Manfred op. 58
- 3 March11:00 AMEvent for Schools
Music by W. A. Mozart
Director Emanuela Dall’Aglio
With the artistic collaboration of Vincenzo Picone
Musical Dramaturgy Anna Pedrazzini
New Production by AsLiCo
A performance for children aged 4 – 8
Children: 5 €
Full price: 12 €
W. A. Mozart
tratto da “Die Zauberflöte”
Spoken parts of the performance are in Italian; a basic understanding of the language is adviced.
This is an event for school groups. In case seats are available to the general audience, they will be on sale on the same day of performance at the box-office.
- 25 May10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event25 May11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event26 May10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event26 May11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event
A performance for students aged 8-16
Music Giovan Battista Pergolesi
Libretto Gennarantonio Federico
Conductor Tommaso Ussardi
Dramaturgy and Producer Roberto Catalano
Costume Designs Alberto Cavallotti
Scene Designs Roberto Lo Sciuto
Sound maker Vittorio Di Matteo
Lighting Designs Vincenzo Traina
Teatro Massimo Orchestra
Uberto/Maestro Francesco Bossi (7, 9, 10 ore 10:00, 11, 14, 16) / Salvatore Grigoli (8, 10 ore 11:30, 12, 15, 17, 21)
Serpina/Fanny Delacroix Emanuela Sgarlata (7, 9, 10 ore 10:00, 11, 14, 16) / Federica Maggì (8, 10 ore 11:30, 12, 15, 17, 21)
Camilla Turbata Federica Maggì (7, 9, 10 ore 10:00, 11, 14, 16) / Emanuela Sgarlata (8, 10 ore 11:30, 12, 15, 17, 21)
Vespone/Riccardino Marcello Rimi
Students (under18) 4 €
Full price 10 €
Concession price 8 €
Maestro Tempofosco
In the Theatre’s Sala ONU, a strict Artistic Director is holding auditions to choose the singers for the opera to be staged soon. The orchestra and its conductor, Maestro Tempofosco, accompany the candidates, who are cruelly humiliated by the Artistic Director. But Fanny Delacroix, although frightened, faces the audition with courage. Even if the Artistic Director has ordered her to give up singing, she instead suggests, with the help of the orchestra, to perform Pergolesi’s “La serva padrona” to show her skills. The Artistic Director will play the shrewish Uberto, Fanny will be Serpina, the lively protagonist who ends up marrying the master. Taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the role, the soprano manages to turn the situation around, destroying the certainties of this arid and anaffective man… will she succeed in making him discover love?
Spoken parts of the performance are in Italian; a basic understanding of the language is adviced.
Performances from Tue to Fri are events for school groups. In case seats are available to the general audience, they will be on sale on the same day of performance at the box-office.
Sat and Sun performances are open to everyone.
- 7 November10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event7 November11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event8 November10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event8 November11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event9 November10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event9 November11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event10 November10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event10 November11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event11 November5:00 PMFamily Event12 November5:00 PMFamily Event14 November10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event14 November11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event15 November10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event15 November11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event16 November10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event16 November11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event17 November10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event17 November11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event21 November10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event21 November11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event
from 12 to 18 years old
Music by Gioachino Rossini
Orchestrations Elia Andrea Corazza
Dramaturgy Paolo V. Montanari
Conductor Elia Andrea Corazza
Director Yamal das Irmich
Elementi di scena Stefano Canzoneri
Stage elements Marja Hoffmann
Light designer Vincenzo Traina
Teatro Massimo Orchestra
Characters and performers
Gioachino Rossini Roberto Burgio
Adelina Patti Noemi Muschetti (1 ore 11:30, 3, 6, 10, 12, 14,16) / Federica Maggì (1 ore 10, 2, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15)
Marius Luciani Paride Cicirello
Antonio Tamburini Daniele Muratori Caputo (1 ore 11:30, 3, 6, 10, 12, 14,16) / Francesco Bossi (1 ore 10, 2, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15)Tickets
Students 4 €
Full price 10 €
Reduced price 8 €
For more informationAbout
The plot
In Rossini’s villa in Passy in 1861, we meet the Maestro intent on talking about his life and music with the young Adelina, the bohemian poet Marius and the jovial Antonio Tamburini. Time passes quickly between jokes, thoughts and interludes sung and played by the orchestra.
This is a show for school groups and families.
HERE all information about the Educational project for schools.Saturday and Sunday performances are open to everyone.
Any available tickets for midweek performances will be on sale at the box office on the morning of the performance.
- 1 December10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event1 December11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event2 December5:00 PMFamily Event3 December5:00 PMFamily Event5 December10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event5 December11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event6 December10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event6 December11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event7 December10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event7 December11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event9 December5:00 PMFamily Event10 December5:00 PMFamily Event12 December10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event12 December11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event13 December10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event13 December11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event14 December10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event14 December11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event15 December10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event15 December11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event16 December4:30 PMFamily Event
February 13 – 25 2024 | Sala ONU
Music by Gioachino Rossini
Orchestrations Elia Andrea Corazza
Dramaturgy Paolo V. Montanari
Conductor Elia Andrea Corazza
Director Yamal das Irmich
Scenes elements Stefano Canzoneri
Costume elements Marja Hoffmann
Lighting designer Vincenzo Traina
Orchestra del Teatro Massimo
Characters and performers
Gioachino Rossini Roberto Burgio
Adelina Patti Noemi Muschetti (13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25) / Federica Maggì (14, 17, 21, 23)
Marius Luciani Paride Cicirello
Antonio Tamburini Daniele Muratori Caputo (13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25) / Francesco Bossi (14, 17, 21, 23)
Students 4 €
Full price 10 €
Reduced price 8 €
For more informationProgramme
The plot
In Rossini’s villa in Passy in 1861, we meet the Maestro intent on talking about his life and music with the young Adelina, the bohemian poet Marius and the jovial Antonio Tamburini. Time passes quickly between jokes, thoughts and interludes sung and played by the orchestra.
Spoken parts of the performance are in Italian; a basic understanding of the language is adviced.
Performances from Tue to Fri are events for school groups. In case seats are available to the general audience, they will be on sale on the same day of performance at the box-office.
Sat and Sun performances are open to everyone.
HERE all information (in Italian) about the Educational project for schools.
- 13 February10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event13 February11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event14 February10:00 AMFamily Event14 February11:30 AMFamily Event15 February10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event15 February11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event16 February10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event16 February11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event17 February4:30 PMFamily Event18 February11:30 AMFamily Event20 February10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event20 February11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event21 February10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event21 February11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event22 February10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event22 February11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event23 February10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event23 February11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event24 February4:30 PMFamily Event25 February11:30 AMFamily Event
Music Giovan Battista Pergolesi
Libretto Gennarantonio Federico
Conductor Danila Grassi
Dramaturgy and Producer Roberto Catalano
Costume Designs Alberto Cavallotti
Scene Designs Roberto Lo Sciuto
Sound maker Vittorio Di MatteoTeatro Massimo Orchestra
Uberto / Maestro Giuseppe Esposito / Luca Bruno
Serpina / Fanny Emanuela Sgarlata / Federica Maggì / Martina Mazzola
Vespone / Riccardino Alessio BaroneA performance for students aged 8 – 14
Students (under18): 4 €
Full price: 10 €Programme
Maestro Tempofosco
Nella Sala ONU del Teatro un severo Maestro sta facendo delle audizioni per scegliere i protagonisti dell’opera che andrà in scena a breve. L’orchestra e il suo direttore, il Maestro Tempofosco, accompagnano i candidati, che però vengono umiliati crudelmente dal direttore artistico. Ma Fanny Delacroix, benché impaurita, affronta con coraggio l’audizione; nonostante il Maestro le abbia ingiunto di rinunciare al canto, gli propone invece, con l’aiuto dell’orchestra, di mettere in scena La serva padrona di Pergolesi per mostrare le proprie capacità. Al direttore artistico chiede di interpretare il bisbetico Uberto, Fanny sarà Serpina, la vivace protagonista che finisce per sposare il padrone. Sfruttando le opportunità che le offre il ruolo, il soprano riesce a ribaltare la situazione, distruggendo le certezze di quest’uomo arido e anaffettivo… riuscirà forse a fargli scoprire l’amore?
Spoken parts of the performance are in Italian; a basic understanding of the language is adviced.
Performances from Tue to Fri are events for school groups. In case seats are available to the general audience, they will be on sale on the same day of performance at the box-office.
Sat and Sun performances are open to everyone [get your tickets online]-
- 22 March10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event22 March11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event23 March10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event23 March11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event24 March10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event24 March11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event25 March5:00 PMFamily Event26 March5:00 PMFamily Event28 March10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event28 March11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event29 March10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event29 March11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event30 March10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event30 March11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event31 March10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event31 March11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event1 April5:00 PMFamily Group2 April11:00 AMFamily Group4 April10:00 AMSchool-Groups Event4 April11:30 AMSchool-Groups Event