The opera Lady, Be Good’s dress rehearsal is open as a fund-raising event for the Susan G. Komen Italia Association
Book your tickets online at https://teatromassimo.komen.it/
Unsold tickets, if available, will be on sale at the Teatro Massimo box-office from June 14.
Section I 65 euro
II settore 55 euro
III settore 45 euro
IV settore 35 euro
V e VI settore 25 euro
VII settore 20 euro
VIII settore 15 euro
The ballet Cenerentola’s dress rehearsal is open as a fund-raising event for the Comunità di Sant’Egidio and LIONS.
Info and purchase: call 328 4982656 or 329 9767709
Dal 13 marzo sarà possibile acquistare i biglietti presso la biglietteria del Teatro Massimo.
Section I 50 euro
Section II 45 euro
Section III and IV 35 euro
Section V and VI 30 euro
Section VII 20 euro
Section VIII 15 euro
The dress rehearsal of the opera Turandot is open as a fund-raising event for AIRC.
Since 1962, AIRC supports medical research for the treatment of cancer, disseminates correct information on research results, prevention and therapeutic prospects.
Get your tickets through AIRC Palermo by calling 091 6110340 – 091 329264 or visiting their office in viale della Libertà, 171 – Palermo.
Price range: 15 to 65 euro
Ticket fares
Section I 65 euro
Section II 55 euro
Section III 45 euro
Section IV 35 euro
Section V e VI 25 euro
Section VII 20 euro
Section VIII 15 euro
The Nutcracker‘s dress rehearsal is open as a fund-raising event for Lions Club.
Contact the Lions Club for info and purchases by calling +39 328 4982656 and +39 329 9767709
Unsold tickets, if available, will be on sale at the Teatro Massimo box-office from December 11 2024.
Tickets 15 to 50 euro
Section I 50 euro
Section II 45 euro
Section III and IV 35 euro
Section V and VI 30 euro
Section VII 20 euro
Section VIII 15 euro
For info and purchases call the numbers +39 328 4982656 and +39 329 9767709
The opera Otello‘s dress rehearsal is open as a fund-raising event for the Susan G. Komen Italia Association
Book your tickets online at https://teatromassimo.komen.it/
Call +39 349 848.50.11 / +39 366 361.19.75 / +39 349 553.48.93 on Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 4pm to 7pm
Unsold tickets, if available, will be on sale at the Teatro Massimo box-office from January 21.
Section I 75 euro
Section II 65 euro
Section III 55 euro
Section IV 45 euro
Section V and VI 35 euro
Section VII 30 euro
Section VIII 20 euro