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Serata di danza

Attore Gigi Borruso 
Luci Salvatore Spataro
Costumi Fondazione Teatro Massimo

Corpo di ballo del Teatro Massimo
Direttore del Corpo di ballo Davide Bombana

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Coreografia di Marcello Carini
Musiche Philip Glass, Max Richter, André Dziezuk


Coreografia di Alessandro Cascioli
Musiche Gerardo Matos Rodríguez, Silencio Tango Orchestra, Zona Tango


Coreografia di Amedeo Amodio
Musica Georges Bizet
Étoiles ospiti Eleonora Abbagnato Michele Satriano


Coreografia di Gaetano La Mantia
Musiche Alessandro Russo, Fabio Hager Sexteto, Leroy Anderson, Astor Piazzolla


Coreografia di Jean-Sébastien Colau e Vincenzo Veneruso
Musica Stefano Conti

Lo spettacolo

Direttore Francesco Lanzillotta
Regia Andrea Cigni
Scene Dario Gessati
Costumi Tommaso Lagattolla
Luci Fiammetta Baldiserri
Riprese da Gianni Bertoli
Assistente alla regia Luca Baracchini
Assistente alle scene Maddalena Moretti
Assistente ai costumi Donato Didonna

Allestimento del Teatro Massimo in coproduzione con il Teatro Regio di Torino

Personaggi e interpreti

NabuccoRoman Burdenko (23, 26, 28, 30) / Alberto Gazale (25, 27, 29)
Abigaille Ewa Płonka (23, 26, 28, 30) / Irina Moreva (25, 27, 29)
Fenena Silvia Beltrami
Zaccaria Luca Tittoto (23, 26, 28, 30) / Marko Mimica (25, 27, 29)
Ismaele Vincenzo Costanzo
Il gran sacerdote di Belo Luciano Roberti
Abdallo Blagoj Nacoski
Anna Elisabetta Zizzo

Orchestra e Coro del Teatro Massimo
Maestro del Coro Salvatore Punturo

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Nel tempio di Salomone a Gerusalemme, gli ebrei piangono la loro sorte: Nabucco (Nabucodonosor), re di Babilonia, li ha assaliti con le sue orde e sta profanando la città. Mentre pregano Zaccaria, il Sommo Sacerdote, entra con la sorella Anna e la fglia di Nabucco, Fenena, ostaggio degli ebrei.


Nel palazzo di Nabucco a Babilonia, Abigaille ha trovato un documento che attesta che non è fglia di Nabucco ma di schiavi. Abigaille vuole vendicarsi di Nabucco e di Fenena, nominata reggente mentre lui è in guerra, e rifette malinconicamente sul suo amore per Ismaele.


Nei giardini pensili di Babilonia, la folla inneggia ad Abigaille. Il Sommo Sacerdote la spinge a mettere a morte gli ebrei, ma prima che possa firmare, giunge Nabucco, confuso, alla ricerca del trono. Abigaille congeda gli altri e spiega a Nabucco che, ha assunto lei il governo, e lo induce a firmare la condanna a morte degli ebrei.


Nelle sue stanze, Nabucco si sveglia da un sonno irrequieto sentendo il nome di Fenena da fuori: la figlia e tutti gli ebrei vengono condotti a morte. Disperato, Nabucco si inginocchia per chiedere perdono al Dio degli ebrei, promettendo di convertirsi con il suo popolo.

Ph. Rosellina Garbo / Franco Lannino

La Prima di domenica 23 ottobre sarà trasmessa in diretta streaming sulla WebTv del Teatro e su


24, 26, 28, 29 October  and 2 November 2023 |Main Stage, Teatro Massimo

Notice to the audience

The Fondazione Teatro Massimo informs the public that the Premiere of the opera “Don Giovanni” has not taken place, following the adhesion of the theatre workers to the national strike (called by the national secretariats SLC – CGIL, FISTEL – CISL, UILCOM – UIL, FIALS – CISAL) for the renewal of the National Collective Labour Contract of the Lyric Symphonic Foundations.

Thanks to the availability of Maestro Riccardo Muti and of the entire cast, the theatre has scheduled a performance on Sunday October 29th at 8 p.m.

Subscribers and ticket holders of the Premiere (October 24th) may attend the new performance, scheduled for Sunday October 29th at 8.00 p.m., using the same ticket and keeping the same seat. If unable to attend the new performance on Sunday October 29th, subscribers and ticket holders may still request a refund. [Refund info here]
We apologize to the audience for the inconvenience, thank you for your understanding.

Music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Conductor Riccardo Muti
Director Chiara Muti
Scene Design Alessandro Camera
Costume Design Tommaso Lagattolla
Lighting Design Vincent Longuemare
Assistant Director Paolo Vettori
Assistent Scene Design Andrea Gregori
Assistant Costume Design Francesco Ceo

A new production of the Teatro Massimo
in co-production with Teatro Regio di Torino


Don Giovanni Luca Micheletti
Donna Anna Maria Grazia Schiavo
Donna Elvira Mariangela Sicilia
Don Ottavio Giovanni Sala
Leporello Alessandro Luongo
Zerlina Francesca Di Sauro
Masetto Leon Košavić
Il Commendatore Vittorio De Campo

Maestro at the fortepiano Alessandro Benigni
Teatro Massimo Orchestra and Chorus
Chorus Master Salvatore Punturo

Maestro Riccardo Muti’s Photograph © Todd Rosenberg Photography 2012

More info

Bookings open on

September 5 2023


From 19 to 25 May 2023 |Main Stage, Teatro Massimo

Music Pëtr Il’ič Čajkovskij
Conductor Omer Meir Wellber
Director Julien Chavaz
Associate Director Annemiek van Elst
Scene Designs Amber Vandenhoeck
Costume Designs Sanne Oostervink
Lighting Design Eloi Gianini
Assistant Director Fleur Snow
Costume Designs Assistant Maartje Prins, Nadine Hempel
Russian Coach Stanislav Chernyshov

A production Theater Magdeburg / Opéra de Lorraine



Larina Helene Schneiderman
Tat’jana Carmen Giannattasio (19, 21, 23, 25) / Natalia Tanasii (20, 24)
Olga Victoria Karkacheva
Filipp’evna Margarita Nekrasova
Evgenij Onegin Artur Rucinski (19, 21, 23, 25) / Nikolai Zemlianskikh (20, 24)
Vladimir Lenskij Saimir Pirgu (19, 21, 23, 25) / Pavel Petrov (20, 24)
Principe Gremin Giorgi Manoshvili
Monsieur Triquet/Un contadino James Kryshak
Zareckij/Un capitano Andrii Ganchuk
Teatro Massimo Orchestra and Chorus
Chorus Master Salvatore Punturo

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Biglietti in vendita dal

2 aprile 2023

Running Time

Three hours and 10 minutes with two 15 minutes intermissions


From19 to 21, 23,24 and 26 September 2023 |Main Stage, Teatro Massimo

Opera in three acts
Christoph Willibald Gluck
Conductor Gabriele Ferro
Director and Coreographer Danilo Rubeca
Scene Designs Domenico Franchi
Costume Designs Alessio Rosati
Lighting Designs Marco Giusti
Assistant Director & Coreographer Emanuele Burrafato
Assistant Scene Designs Francesca Nieddu
Assistant Costume Designs Rosa Mariotti
New production

Teatro Massimo Orchestra, Chorus and Ballet
Chorus Master Salvatore Punturo
Ballet Director Jean-Sébastien Colau


Orfeo Filippo Mineccia
Euridice Federica Guida
Amore Nofar Yacobi

Teatro Massimo Orchestra, Chorus and Ballet
Chorus Master Salvatore Punturo
Ballet Director Jean-Sébastien Colau

Running time: 1 hour and 40 minutes without interval

The Premiere (Sept 19) will be available in free livestreaming on the Teatro Massimo WebTV

Listening Guides (in Italian)

• Thursday September 14, 6pm in Sala Onu, Invito all’ascolto by the Friends of del Teatro Massimo with Lorenzo Mattei
• Tuesday September 19,
6:30pm in Sala Onu, Vi racconto l’opera with Beatrice Monroy, Sabrina Petyx e Gigi Borruso



Act I

A chorus of nymphs and shepherds sings a mourning hymn around the tomb of Eurydice (“Ah, se intorno a quest’urna funesta”). Orpheus asks them to leave him alone, and express his grief for the death of his wife, his rage against the cruel gods, and his determination to bring Eurydice back to life (“Chiamo il mio ben così”). Cupid appears and tells Orpheus that Jove allows him to descend to the underworld to try to reclaim his wife. Orpheus must appease the Furies with his music and bring Eurydice back to the upper world without never looking at her or explaining his behaviour, otherwise he will lose her for ever (“Gli sguardi trattieni”). Orpheus heads to Hades with his lyre as only weapon.

Act II

The gates of Hades are guarded by Furies and demons, who threatens Orpheus with their dance (“Chi mai dell’Erebo fra le caligini”). Orpheus plays his lyre and sings his despair (“Deh, placatevi con me”). The Furies at first refuse to let him move on into the Elysian Fields. Then they are gradually touched by his laments and moved by his singing, and they let him pass the entrance of the underworld. The scene is now in the Elysian Fields. Orpheus arrives, seeking his beloved wife (“Che puro ciel”). The Blessed Spirits restore Eurydice, veiled, to Orpheus, and he hurries to lead her away, without looking at her.


Orpheus and Eurydice are on their road to the upper world. Eurydice, who doesn’t know of the gods injunction, is suspicious, and asks him to explain his behaviour or at least to look at her (“Vieni, appaga il tuo consorte”). Orpheus tries to keep his face turned away and to bring her to the upper world, but when she faints, he is forced to to infringe the gods’ will. As soon as their eyes meet, Eurydice dies again with a last farewell. Orpheus is desperate and about to kill himself (“Che farò senza Euridice”). Cupid appears and announces that Orpheus’ love and faith have moved again the gods. Eurydice is restored to life, and they will enjoy a new life of pleasures and love on earth (“Divo Amor, son tue pene”). Nymphs and shepherds celebrate with dances the power of Cupid (“Trionfi Amore”).

The Poster


June 18 – 25 2024 | Main Stage, Teatro Massimo

Musical in two acts by George Gershwin
Lyrics by Ira Gershwin
Libretto by Guy Bolton and Fred Thompson

Conductor Timothy Brock
Director Emilio Sagi
Coreographer and Assistant Director Nuria Castejón
Scene Designs Daniel Bianco
Costume Designs Jesús Ruiz
Lighting Designs Eduardo Bravo
Teatro Massimo Chorus, Ballet and Orchestra
A production of the Teatro de la Zarzuela de


Dick Trevor Matt Blaker
Susie Trevor Rhiannon Chesterman
Jack Robinson Will Richardson
Jeff White Ryan Heenan
Josephine Wanderwater Celia Graham
“Watty” Watkins Ian Virgo
Bertie Bassett Gary Trainor
Daisy Parker Jessica Daley
Shirley Vernon Devon-Elise Johnson
Rufus Parke / Manuel Estrada / Man Ashley Cavender

Thanks to Sisco Entertainment Ltd and Mamusic for collaborating in this project.



Booking opens on May 8 2024

Price range: 22 to 165 euro [check ticket fares & info]

Info for subscribers to the 2023-24 Season at the 2023-2024 Season Tickets Page




September 21 – 29 2024 | Main Stage, Teatro Massimo

Opera in three acts
Giacomo Puccini

Conductor Carlo Goldstein
Director Alessandro Talevi
Scene & Costume Designs Anna Bonomelli
Lighting Designs Marco Giusti
Teatro Massimo Chorus, Youth Chorus and Orchestra
Chorus Master Salvatore Punturo
A new production of the Teatro Massimo di Palermo



Turandot Ewa Płonka (21, 25, 27, 29) / Ewa Vesin (22, 24, 26, 28)
Calaf Yusif Eyvazov (21, 25, 27, 29) / Martin Muehle (22, 24, 26, 28)
Liù Juliana Grigoryan (21, 25, 27, 29) / Jessica Nuccio (22, 24, 26, 28)
Timur Giorgi Manoshvili (21, 25, 27, 29) / Jerzy Butryn (22, 24, 26, 28)
Ping Alessio Arduini
Pong / Principe di Persia Matteo Mezzaro
Pang Blagoj Nacoski
Mandarino Luciano Roberti
Altoum Cristiano Olivieri



Booking opens on June 4 2024

Price range: 22 to 165 euro [check ticket fares & info]

Info for subscribers to the 2023-24 Season at the 2023-2024 Season Tickets Page


October 22 – 29 2024 | Main Stage, Teatro Massimo

Opera in two acts by Gioachino Rossini
Libretto by Giovanni Schmidt
Conductor Antonino Fogliani
Director Davide Livermore
Scene Designs Giò Forma
Costume Designs Gianluca Falaschi
Lighting Designs Nicolas Bovey
Videodesign D-Wok
Teatro Massimo Chorus and Orchestra
Chorus Master Salvatore Punturo
A production of the Rossini Opera Festival and the Teatro Massimo di Palermo




Elisabetta Nino Machaidze (22, 25, 27, 29) / Aya Wakizono (24, 26)
Leicester Enea Scala (22, 25, 27, 29) / Mert Süngü (24, 26)
Norfolc Ruzil Gatin (22, 25, 27, 29) / Alasdair Kent (24, 26)
Matilde Salome Jicia (22, 25, 27, 29) / Veronica Marini (24, 26)
Enrico Sofia Koberidze 
Guglielmo Francesco Lucii



Booking opens on July 5 2024

Price range: 20 to 145 euro [check ticket fares & info]

Info for subscribers to the 2023-24 Season at the 2023-2024 Season Tickets Page




From 16 to 23 April 2023 |Main Stage, Teatro Massimo

Lyric tragedy in two acts
by Vincenzo Bellini
Conductor Lorenzo Passerini
Directors Ugo Giacomazzi and Luigi Di Gangi
Scene Design Federica Parolini
Costume Design Daniela Cernigliaro
Lighting Design Luigi Biondi
Assistant Director and Assistant Lighting Design Francesco Traverso

A production of the Teatro Massimo in co-production with Sferisterio di Macerata



Norma Marina Rebeka (16, 20, 23) / Desirée Rancatore (18, 19, 22)
Pollione Dmitry Korchak (16, 18, 20, 23) / Matteo Falcier (19, 22)
Adalgisa Maria Barakova (16, 18, 20, 23) / Lilly Jørstad (19, 22)
Oroveso Riccardo Fassi
Flavio Massimiliano Chiarolla
Clotilde Elisabetta Zizzo
Teatro Massimo Orchestra and Chorus
Chorus Master Salvatore Punturo

More info


In the 1st century A.D. Gaul is occupied by the Romans. Oroveso, head of the druids, and the Gauls are waiting the high priestess and daughter of Oroveso, Norma, to reveal the will of the God Irminsul, and therefore a sign for the war against the Romans to start (“Ite sul colle, o Druidi”). 

During their regular patrol, the roman proconsul Pollione tells his friend Flavio that he is no longer in love with his secret lover Norma. He has fallen for the novice Adalgisa. Norma has already given him two sons (“Meco all’altar di Venere”). 

Norma arrives at the temple and tells the Gauls that the time is not ready for war (“Sediziose voci” – “Casta diva”). 

After everyone has left, the novice Adalgisa arrives at the altar and prays to the God because she has fallen in love with the proconsul Pollione. He surprises her and persuades her to go with him to Rome (“Va’, crudele, e al dio spietato”).
Meanwhile, Norma and Clotilde, the only one who knows about her two sons, are with the children in Norma’s home. Norma heard that Pollione has to go back to Rome but she is not sure that he will take her and the two children with him anymore. Clotilde hides the two sons before Adalgisa’s arrival. Adalgisa wants to break her vow to follow her lover (“Sola, furtiva al tempio”). Norma is ready to release Adalgisa from her vow, but when she learns that Pollione is the lover, her love towards him changes into hate (“Oh, di qual sei tu vittima”). At this moment the holy bell is heard and Norma has to go into the temple for the ceremony.


Norma wants to kill herself and the children to keep them away from Pollione (“Dormon entrambi”). But she cannot. Instead, she summons Adalgisa to take the children with her and Pollione to Rome (“Deh! con te, con te li prendi”). The girl refuses, she wants to bring Pollione back to Norma (“Mira, o Norma”). 

The Gauls assemble at the altar to hear Oroveso’s announcement that Pollione is being replaced by a crueler commander (“Ah! del Tebro al giogo indegno”). 

Norma is waiting for the return of Pollione but Clotilde tells her that Pollione won’t go without Adalgisa. Norma takes this as the sign from the God Irminsul, and announces the war against the Romans (“Guerra! Guerra!”). Before the war can begin, they have to bring a sacrifice to the God. In this moment Clotilde arrives and says that a roman soldier has invaded the temple. Pollione is brought to the altar and Oroveso demands his death.
Norma wants to speak with Pollione alone and offers him his freedom if he leaves Adalgisa (“In mia man alfin tu sei”). But even the threat to kill the two children cannot change Pollione’s mind. Norma swears to kill not only the Romans but also Adalgisa.  Pollione wants to kill himself, but Norma calls back the Gauls and announces that a priestess has broken her vows and therefore she will be the sacrifice. But instead of saying Adalgisa’s name, she says her own. She confesses her love towards Pollione (“Qual cor tradisti”). Her last thoughts are with her children, which she entrusts to her father (“Deh, non volerli vittime”). Oroveso promises to take care of them. The Gauls curse Norma on her way to the pyre. Pollione realises his love towards Norma and follows her into death.