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This event is in Italian.

Free entrance

You can access the Sala Onu through the stairs located in the stage door area (on the right side of the main entrance, close to Via Pignatelli Aragona).
An accessible pathway, with no steps and the elevator, is also available (ask the staff for guidance).

The presentations are organized by Associazione Amici del Teatro Massimo.


Dario Oliveri

presents Lady, Be Good by George Gershwin.


Cantoria of the Teatro Massimo Foundation

Choirmaster Giuseppe Ricotta

Tickets: Full-price 10€ / Reduced-price 8€






Lead Belly

Bring Me Little Water Sylvie

Johann Sebastian Bach

Aria sulla quarta corda

David Lang

He was and she was da Love Fail

Giuseppe Ricotta

Contemporary Mass n. 1 “Anima Mundi”

Kyrie – Gloria – Sanctus – Benedictus – Lux Aeterna – Agnus Dei

Ola Gjeilo


Giuseppe Ricotta

Che colpa ho?

Leonard Cohen

Hallelujah (arr. Alberto Maniaci)

Medley da Sister Act

Hail Holy Queen, I will follow Him, Shout (arr. Marc Saiman)

Smokey Robinson My Guy/My God
Amazing grace – Oh happy day (arr. Giuseppe Ricotta)

Merwyn Warren Joyful, joyful


Saturday May 18 2024, 8:30pm | Foyer

Conductor Salvatore Punturo
Female Chorus and Youth Chorus of the Teatro Massimo
Piano Giuseppe Cinà

Tickets: Full price 15€ / Concession price 12€


Giuseppe Verdi

Cori di Streghe da Macbeth:
“Che faceste”
“Tre volte miagola”

Georges Bizet

da Carmen
“Dans l’air nous suivons des yeux”
“Que se passe-t-il donc… Au secours!”
Zuniga (baritono) Alessio Gatto Goldstein

Johannes Brahms

Ave Maria op. 12

Gabriel Fauré

Le ruisseau
mezzosoprano Loredana Megna

Gustav Mahler

“Es sungen drei Engel” dalla Terza Sinfonia
Contralto Damiana Li Vecchi
Silvia De Checchi

Pëtr Il’ič Čajkovskij

Coro delle contadine da Evgenij Onegin

Sergej Prokofiev

Due cori per coro femminile e orchestra op. 7 
1. Il cigno bianco
2. L’onda

Giuseppe Ricotta

The Moon da Creation Suite

Chorus in the Foyer


5 – 17 November 2024 
| Sala Onu

from 10 to 16 years old | Reservations from September 24, 2024

Libretto by Tommaso Mariani
Music by Giovanni Battista Martini
First performance in Palermo

Conductor and harpsichord Luca Quintavalle
Direction Lollo Franco
Dramaturgy Lollo Franco and Nicola Franco
Set design and costumes Emilia Gagliardotto
Lighting Designs Antonio Giunta

Don Quixote Simone Fenotti / Samuele Di Leo
Nerina Michela Guarrera / Marta Di Stefano
Sancho Panza Nicola Franco
Cervantes Lollo Franco

Teatro Massimo Orchestra
New production of the Teatro Massimo


Full price: 10 €
Concession price: 8 €
4 €
For further information


The plot

In 1600s Spain, a man fascinated by epic tales of chivalry and scornful of danger, imagines himself to be the knight Don Quixote committed, along with his squire Sancho Panza, to protect the people from injustice… starting from this incipit, author Miguel de Cervantes (played by Lollo Franco) will tell a new adventure of his characters, to the music of the 1746 intermezzo by Giovanni Battista Martini.

Spoken parts of the performance are in Italian; a basic understanding of the language is adviced. 

Performances from Tue to Fri are events for school groups. In case seats are available to the general audience, they will be on sale on the same day of performance at the box-office.
Saturday and Sunday performances are open to all.


February 23 2025, 11 a.m. | Sala Onu

Flute Ensemble of the Massimo Youth Orchestra

Concert included in the training and artistic growth of the Youth Ensembles of the Teatro Massimo Foundation

Full price: 10€ / Concession: 8€


Joseph Bodin de Boismortier

Concerto n. 2 in La minore

Ernesto Köhler

Quartetto op. 92

Eugène Bozza

Jour d’été à la montagne

Felix Mendelssohn

Scherzo da Il sogno di una notte di mezza estate op. 61


Pietro Mascagni
Cavalleria rusticana
(in forma concertante)

Direttore Carlo Goldstein

Orchestra e Coro del Teatro Massimo
Maestro del Coro Ciro Visco
Mise en éspace Ludovico Rajata

In diretta streaming sulla WebTV

Personaggi e interpreti


Turiddu Roberto Alagna
Santuzza Aleksandra Kurzak
Lola Sofia Koberidze
Alfio Ernesto Petti
Mamma Lucia Romina Boscolo


Giuseppe Verdi
Les vêpres siciliennes

Grand-opéra in five acts
Premiering the French version in Palermo

Conductor Omer Meir Wellber
Director Emma Dante
Scene Designs Carmine Maringola
Costume Designs Vanessa Sannino
Coreographic Movements Sandro Maria Campagna
Coreographer Manuela Lo Sicco
Light designer Cristian Zucaro
Director Assistant Federico Gagliardi
Scene Designs Assistant Roberto Tusa
Costume Designs Assistant Chicca Ruocco

A new co-production with the Teatro San Carlo di Napoli, Teatro Comunale di Bologna and Teatro Real di Madrid

Live streaming (Jan 20) on the Teatro Massimo WebTV and Arte

Teatro Massimo Orchestra, Coro and Ballet
Chorus Master Ciro Visco
Ballet Director Davide Bombana



La duchesse Hélène Selene Zanetti (20, 23, 26) / Maritina Tampakopoulos (22, 25)
Ninetta Carlotta Vichi
Henri Leonardo Caimi (20, 23, 26) / Giulio Pelligra (22, 25)
Guy de Montfort  Mattia Olivieri (20, 23, 26) / Gezim Myshketa (22, 25)
Jean Procida Erwin Schrott (20) / Luca Tittoto (23, 26) / Fabrizio Beggi (22, 25)
Thibault Matteo Mezzaro
Danieli Francesco Pittari
Mainfroid Pietro Luppina
Robert Alessio Verna
Le sire de Béthune Ugo Guagliardo / Andrea Pellegrini
Le comte de Vaudemont Gabriele Sagona
The ballerina Carmen Marcuccio
On stage
Accordion Ruggiero Mascellino
 Carmelo Colajanni
Double bass Massimo Patti
Orchestration Keren Kagarlitsky
The newly weds Noemi Ferrante, Gaetano La Mantia
Priest Gaetano La Mantia
Four brides and Fishes Noemi Ferrante, Carmen Marcuccio, Alessia Pollini, Giada Scimemi
Actors of the Compagnia Sud Costa Occidentale

New Guidelines for the Audience

Please take a few minutes to read the safety and health guidelines linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. 
Bear in mind that a "Strengthened" Digital Covid Certificate (green pass) and wearing a mask are compulsory to access the theatre.

Where to buy your tickets

At the Box-office, online on, by calling the call centre.

Using a Voucher

You can use the voucher you received for a 2020 canceled performance  to buy tickets. Vouchers are valid for 36 months after the issuing date. Please notice that vouchers issued by TicketOne and the selling points can only be used to buy online on Vouchers issued by the box-office and the call center can be used at the box-office and at the call center.


Under 26, Under35 Card holders, 2022 subscribers, #iorinuncioalrimborso donors, students of the University of Palermo, Palermo Conservatory of Music and Palermo Academy of Arts, Uncalm, groups (at least 20 people for the same date), Diamond Card holders. 6 seats in the stalls (section 1) are reserved for people with disabilities and their companions for each performance (at the fare of section 7) - check with the box-office for further info. 
You will be required to show your ID/certificate to get concession prices.

Photo © Rosellina Garbo


This event is in Italian.

Free entrance

You can access the Sala Onu through the stairs located in the stage door area (on the right side of the main entrance, close to Via Pignatelli Aragona).
An accessible pathway, with no steps and the elevator, is also available (ask the staff for guidance).

The presentations are organized by Associazione Amici del Teatro Massimo.


Lucio Tufano

presents Turandot by Giacomo Puccini.


March 20 – 23 2024 | Main Stage, Teatro Massimo

by Venti Lucenti

inspired by Richard Wagner‘s Tristan und Isolde
Written and directed by Manu Lalli
Assistant Director Chiara Casalbuoni
Original music, arrangements and transcriptions Simone Piraino
Conductor Daniele Malinverno (March 20, 22) / Michele De Luca (March 21)
Voce dal mare
Natasa Kátai (March 21) / Maria Cristina Napoli  (March 20, 22)
Narrators Pietro Massaro and Oriana Martucci
Teatro Massimo Orchestra and Chorus
Chorus Master Salvatore Punturo
with pupils and teachers of the schools IC Alessandra Siragusa and Istituto Minutoli Ecoscuola

For audiences aged 6 to 12 | Reservations from January 10th

Photographs Franco Lannino


Students 5 €
Full price 12 €
Reduced price 10 €
For more information


The plot

The legend of Tristan and Isolde, one of the most romantic stories of the Middle Ages, is very old: it tells the adventures of a knight and a princess who fall in love thanks to a magic elixir. Wagner composed the opera based on Goffredo di Strasburgo’s text and staged it in 1865. It is still considered one of the masterpieces of all time. The version that will be performed, while maintaining the essential dramaturgical and musical lines intact, is adapted in such a way as to exalt the magical and symbolic fairy-tale aspects of the story, which has at its centre important themes linked to the imaginary and ideal horizon of the world of chivalry, such as the search for love, the relationship between public morality and private morality, sin and fidelity.

Spoken parts of the performance are in Italian; a basic understanding of the language is adviced.

Performances from Tue to Fri are events for school groups. In case seats are available to the general audience, they will be on sale on the same day of performance at the box-office.