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This event is in Italian.

Free entrance

You can access the Sala Onu through the stairs located in the stage door area (on the right side of the main entrance, close to Via Pignatelli Aragona).
An accessible pathway, with no steps and the elevator, is also available (ask the staff for guidance).

The presentations are organized by Associazione Amici del Teatro Massimo.



Pietro Misuraca

presents Don Giovanni by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.


Download the Poster


This event is in Italian.

Free entrance

You can access the Sala Onu through the stairs located in the stage door area (on the right side of the main entrance, close to Via Pignatelli Aragona).
An accessible pathway, with no steps and the elevator, is also available (ask the staff for guidance).

The concert presentations are organized by Associazione Amici del Teatro Massimo


Lucio Tufano

presents the opera Orfeo ed Euridice by Cristoph Willibald Gluck.


This event is in Italian.

Free entrance

You can access the Sala Onu through the stairs located in the stage door area (on the right side of the main entrance, close to Via Pignatelli Aragona).
An accessible pathway, with no steps and the elevator, is also available (ask the staff for guidance).

The concert presentations are organized by Associazione Amici del Teatro Massimo.


Andrea Gullotta and Anna Tedesco

present Evgenij Onegin by Pëtr Il’ič Čajkovskij.


This event is in Italian.

Free entrance

You can access the Sala Onu through the stairs located in the stage door area (on the right side of the main entrance, close to Via Pignatelli Aragona).
An accessible pathway, with no steps and the elevator, is also available (ask the staff for guidance).

The concert presentations are organized by Associazione Amici del Teatro Massimo.


Graziella Seminara

presents the opera Norma by Vincenzo Bellini.


This event is in Italian.

Free entrance

You can access the Sala Onu through the stairs located in the stage door area (on the right side of the main entrance, close to Via Pignatelli Aragona).
An accessible pathway, with no steps and the elevator, is also available (ask the staff for guidance).

The concert presentations are organized by Associazione Amici del Teatro Massimo.



Daniela Cecchini

presents Le corsaire by Adolphe Adam.


This event is in Italian.

Free entrance

You can access the Sala Onu through the stairs located in the stage door area (on the right side of the main entrance, close to Via Pignatelli Aragona).
An accessible pathway, with no steps and the elevator, is also available (ask the staff for guidance).

The concert presentations are organized by Associazione Amici del Teatro Massimo.


Ruben Vernazza

presents the opera Don Pasquale by Gaetano Donizetti.


This event is in Italian.

Free entrance

You can access the Sala Onu through the stairs located in the stage door area (on the right side of the main entrance, close to Via Pignatelli Aragona).
An accessible pathway, with no steps and the elevator, is also available (ask the staff for guidance).

The concert presentations are organized by Associazione Amici del Teatro Massimo



Massimo Privitera

introduces La traviata by Giuseppe Verdi.



Free entrance

Conductor Michele De Luca
Concept, direction Marco Canzoneri
Music by Giuseppe Verdi
Orchestration Salvatore Nogara
Music Assistant and arrangements Vincenzo Alioto
Assistant Director and arrangements Manlio Messina
Scene Designs Stefano Canzoneri
Video Gianluigi Toccafondo
Lighting Designs Leonardo Librizzi
A production of the Teatro Massimo

Soprano Federica Maggì
Symphonic Band of the Massimo Youth Orchestra

Coro Cittadino dei quartieri Danisinni, Roccella/Sperone e ZEN diretti da Manlio Messina
Cantoria del Teatro Massimo diretta da Salvatore Punturo e Giuseppe Ricotta



A Project of the Fondazione Teatro Massimo

loosely inspired by La traviata by Giuseppe Verdi

with the support of Città metropolitana di Palermo

Backstage video

Getting to Danisinni Farm

Danisinni Farm (Fattoria di Danisinni) is located in Piazza Danisinni, about 25 minutes walk from the Teatro Massimo.


July 28
Piano Enrico Gargano

July 29
Piano Claire Monteleone and Riccardo Di Giovanni

August 3
Piano Vittoria D’Agostaro

August 4
Piano Enrico Gargano and Riccardo Di Giovanni



Full price: 10 €
Concession: 8 €




Piano Young

July 28
Piano Enrico Gargano
Music by Muzio Clementi, Ludwig van Beethoven, Aleksandr Skrjabin, Sergej Rachmaninov

July 29
Piano Claire Monteleone and Riccardo Di Giovanni
Music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Fryderyk Chopin, Stephen Heller, Franz Liszt, Alessandro Scarlatti, Ludwig van Beethoven

August 3
Piano Vittoria D’Agostaro
Music by Claude Debussy, Ludwig van Beethoven, Fryderyk Chopin, Aleksandr Skrjabin

August 4
Piano Enrico Gargano and Riccardo Di Giovanni
Music by Aleksandr Skrjabin, Sergej Rachmaninov, Franz Liszt, Alessandro Scarlatti, Ludwig van Beethoven

Thanks to CDP