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Season 2024-25 / Educational


Running time: 30 minutes
Sala degli Stemmi


From March 25th to March 28th, 2025 | Sala degli Stemmi

from 6 to 9 years old | Reservations from January 20th

Concept, direction and choreography Carmen Marcuccio e Annamaria Margozzi
Ideazione, regia e coreografia Carmen Marcuccio 

Teatro Massimo Corps de ballet
Corps de ballet Director Jean-Sébastien Colau


Reduced price for students: 4 €
Full price: 10 €
For further information

Lo spettacolo in breve

The plot

An interactive dance performance in which the young public actively collaborates in the creation of the show, thanks to the use of colours and abstract painting. The show is born from the interaction between children and dancers, each time producing a unique and unrepeatable result. A work in progress, light, magical but above all experimental.

The children, inspired by the musical pieces, will see the colours they have chosen come to life through the bodies of the dancers and the abstract strokes drawn by them in real time on the canvas interpreted by a dance inspired by their emotional trajectories. The memory will be nourished by the return to the class of the canvas produced, a work of art “signed” by the children and the Corps de Ballet of the Teatro Massimo, in memory of the sensory journey experienced together.

Performances from Tue to Fri are events for school groups.
In case seats are available to the general audience, they will be on sale on the same day of performance at the box-office.

Saturday performances are open to all.