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Season 2022-23 / Other Events

Il sogno rimosso

Running time: 80 minutes
Teatro Massimo
Tickets from € 10,00
Booking open on 15/04/2023


7 May 2023, at 18:30 |Main Stage, Teatro Massimo

Soprano Carmen Giannattasio
Tenor Pavel Petrov
Piano Giuseppe Cinà

Letter scene from Evgenij Onegin by Pëtr Il’ič Čajkovskij
Lenskij’s aria from Evgenij Onegin by Pëtr Il’ič Čajkovskij
“Ah, non credea mirarti” from La sonnambula by Vincenzo Bellini

The preview event is held to present Pyotr Il’ič Tchaikovsky’s Evgenij Onegin directed by Maestro Omer Meir Wellber, with musical interventions by the artists involved in the performance and on the occasion of the release of the book “The Navel of Dream. An Oneiric Journey” by Vittorio Lingiardi (Einaudi Editore).

Tickets 12 euros (full) / 10 euros (reduced)

An evening lecture to talk about the oneiric and to reason about the ways in which over the centuries we have tried to capture dreams as they faded away: interpreting them, first as prophecies, then as revelations of the unconscious; recording them, as neural randomness, synaptic improvisations; or simply listening to them as involuntary tales reflecting the enigma of psychic life and perhaps of our personality.

For Freud they fulfill a desire and constitute the “royal road to knowing the unconscious”; for Jung they are an autonomous manifestation of the psyche, populated with symbols and archetypes, almost an artistic product; for Bion they are a laboratory, day and night, where knowledge and meaning are generated.

No one can explain what they are for, but no one can resist the temptation to tell and question them. Dreams are like imaginal workshops that elude us and at the same time sustain us, sowing, in the fields of psyche, stories that accompany us for a day or a lifetime. We will spend two dreamlike hours together trying to answer many questions that make up one: why do we dream?


A dialogue on dreams, music, and psychoanalysis.

between Professor Vittorio Lingiardi and Maestro Omer Meir Wellber.