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Children's Choirs and Youth Orchestras - Monreale Sacred Music Week


Tuesday, October 17, 9pm | Monreale Cathedral
for the 65esima Settimana Internazionale di Musica Sacra

Massimo Youth Orchestra
Massimo Kids Orchestra
Conductor Michele De Luca 
Organ Giovanni Battista Vaglica
Teatro Massimo Cantoria
Chorus Master Giuseppe Ricotta 
Teatro Massimo Youth Chorus
Chorus Master Salvatore Punturo 
Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana’s Youth Chorus
Chorus Master Riccardo Scilipoti 

Free entrance subject to availability


Simone Piraino

Unum Loquuntur Omnia – Tutta la realtà proclama una cosa sola (Orchestra) – world premiere

Gabriel Fauré

Ave verum op. 65 (Children’s Choir, Organ and Orchestra)
Cantique de Jean Racine op. 11 (Children’s Choir and Organ)
Ave Maria op. 67 (Children’s Choir, Organ and Orchestra)
Maria, Mater Gratiae (Children’s Choir, Organ and Orchestra)

Giuseppe Ricotta

Veni Sancte Spiritus (Children’s Choir, Organ and Orchestra)

Frode Fjellheim

Dona nobis pacem (Children’s Choir and Orchestra)

John Rutter

What sweeter music (Children’s Choir and Orchestra)

Riccardo Scilipoti

Gloria (Children’s Choir, Organ and Orchestra) – world premiere

Marcel Dupré

Cortège et Litanie op. 19, n. 2 for organ and orchestra

Giuseppe Ricotta

Contemporary Mass n° 1 Anima Mundi


This event is in Italian.

Tickets (3 euros) available at the box-office and online.

You can access the Sala Onu through the stairs located in the stage door area (on the right side of the main entrance, close to Via Pignatelli Aragona). An accessible pathway, with no steps and the elevator, is also available (ask the staff for guidance).

Photo Fausto Brigantino


Beatrice Monroy

presents I Capuleti e i Montecchi by Vincenzo Bellini with Giuseppe Cutino and Giuditta Perriera


This event is in Italian.

Free entrance

You can access the Sala Onu through the stairs located in the stage door area (on the right side of the main entrance, close to Via Pignatelli Aragona).
An accessible pathway, with no steps and the elevator, is also available (ask the staff for guidance).

The presentations are organized by Associazione Amici del Teatro Massimo.






Carlo Fiore

presentsI Capuleti e I Montecchi by Vincenzo Bellini.


This event is in Italian.

Free entrance

You can access the Sala Onu through the stairs located in the stage door area (on the right side of the main entrance, close to Via Pignatelli Aragona).
An accessible pathway, with no steps and the elevator, is also available (ask the staff for guidance).

The presentations are organized by Associazione Amici del Teatro Massimo.


Alessia Cervini e Anna Tedesco

presents Rigoletto by Giuseppe Verdi.


This event is in Italian.

Tickets (3 euros) available at the box-office and online.

You can access the Sala Onu through the stairs located in the stage door area (on the right side of the main entrance, close to Via Pignatelli Aragona). An accessible pathway, with no steps and the elevator, is also available (ask the staff for guidance).

Photo Fausto Brigantino


Beatrice Monroy

presents Rigoletto by Giuseppe Verdi with Rinaldo Clementi and Stefania Blandeburgo


Sunday, May 30 2021, 07:00 pm

Conductor Roberto Abbado
Bass Marko Mimica
Chorus Master Ciro Visco

Teatro Massimo Orchestra and Chorus


Hector Berlioz

Tristia op. 18 for chorus and orchestra

Modest Petrovič Musorgskij

Songs and dances of Death (orchestration by Dmitrij Šostakóvič)
Pictures at an exhibition (orchestration by Maurice Ravel)

New Guidelines for the Audience

The Teatro Massimo reopens in May 2021, with new safety and health guidelines linked to the the Covid-19 emergency. All the people who will access the theatre are required to take a few minutes to read the guidelines. Bear in mind that you are required to wear a face mask at all times, measure your body temperature upon arrival to the opera house, keep a physical distance of at least one metre from other people and sit in your selected seat.

Where to buy your tickets

At the Box-office, online on and by calling the call centre.


Under 26 anni, Under35 Card holders, 2020 subscribers, students of the University of Palermo, Palermo Conservatory of Music and Pale rmo Academy of Arts, Uncalm, groups (at least 20 people for the same date), Diamond Card holders, subscribers to the "Associazione Siciliana Amici della Musica" (only for the "Insieme sotto una nuova luce" concerts). People with disabilities and their companions have special fares - check with the box-office for further info. Donors #iorinuncioalrimborso are granted the Under35 discount for the "Sotto una nuova luce" performances. 

Photo © Franco Lannino


Friday, February 26 2021, 08:00 pm

Livestreaming Opera on the Teatro Massimo WebTv

This event is part of the project #apertinonostantetutto (We keep going, regardless)

Giuseppe Verdi


Opera in four parts
Libretto Francesco Maria Piave

This opera is dedicated to Vincenzo La Scola, in memory of his extraordinary performance in 1999.
We remember dearly the artist and the man.

Conductor Omer Meir Wellber
Mise en espace Ludovico Rajata
Costume Designs and Visual Project Francesco Zito
Visual Project Andrea Fiduccia
Digital Animation Fabiola Nicoletti
Lighting Designs Giuseppe Di Iorio
Chorus Master Ciro Visco

Teatro Massimo Orchestra and Chorus

Concept and Broadcasting co-ordinator Gery Palazzotto
Sound Producer Manfredi Clemente Antonio Di Giovanni



Elvira Eleonora Buratto
Ernani Giorgio Berrugi
Don Carlo Simone Piazzola
Silva Michele Pertusi
Giovanna Irene Savignano
Don Riccardo Carlo Bosi
Jago Andrea Pellegrini (winner of the special award offered by the Teatro Massimo at the Tenor Vinas Award)

Photo © Franco Lannino


Tuesday, January 26 2021, 08:00 pm

Livestreaming Performance on the Teatro Massimo WebTv

This event is part of the project #apertinonostantetutto (We keep going, regardless)

Conductor Omer Meir Wellber
Director, dramaturgy, Scenes, Costumes and Lighting Designs Johannes Erath
Video Bibi Abel
Chorus Master Ciro Visco
Youth Chorus Master Salvatore Punturo
Coreographer Dies Irae Davide Bombana
Assistant Director Lorenzo Nencini
Coreographic Movements Ugo Ranieri

Music by Claudio Monteverdi, Henry Purcell, Joseph Haydn, Ludwig van Beethoven, Gioachino Rossini, Franz Schubert, Richard Wagner, Giuseppe Verdi, Modest Musorgskij, Arrigo Boito, Richard Strauss, Erich Korngold, Werner Richard Heymann, Chava Alberstein

Teatro Massimo Orchestra, Chorus, Ballet and Youth Chorus

Sound Project & Design Manfredi Clemente
Concept and Broadcasting co-ordinator Gery Palazzotto
Television Producer Antonio Di Giovanni



Soprano Carmen Giannattasio
Baritone Markus Werba
Basso Alexandros Stavrakakis


Johannes Erath creates a site specific performance for the 2021 opening of the Teatro Massimo season, in live streaming, free of charge and accessible worldwide. 

Il Crepuscolo dei Sogni (The Twilight of Dreams) is a site-specific opera by the German visionary director Johannes Erath who is making his debut in Italy and who is also responsible for the show’s dramaturgy and sets. Musical Director Omer Meir Wellber will be conducting. Every corner of the opera house becomes part of a wider stage, under a moonlight that tranforms everything it encounters. The scenic space will be completely transformed by the specifically created sets lit by a lunar light, immersed in a snow that covers and transfigures all shapes and forms. A different place that becomes the landscape of the soul and that recalls today’s condition, that of a disoriented and isolated humanity who has lost all certainties and reference points and is dealing with distances, separations, screens, and new communication modes. Within this suspended set, alternating hope and despondency, art and music remain the highest forms of hope.
Erath and Wellber thus create a musical “Winter Journey” through various moments from different operas, from Rossini to Verdi, from Monteverdi to the Lieder of Schubert and Richard Strauss, with the recurring presence of “Traviata”, whose protagonist is afflicted by a lung disease that reminds us of today’s human sufferings. This journey, that alternates contrasting feelings, culminates with the chorus from the Prologue of Arrigo Boito’s “Mefistofele” which, after showing us the most disenchanted and cynical aspects through Mefistofele’s aria, embodies the spirit that brings back light and hope, and with the final duet from Claudio Monteverdi’s “Incoronazione di Poppea”: two ecstatic moments, divine the first, terrestrial the second.

Photo © Rosellina Garbo


Ripar-Tänze Suite (Cavatina op. 130)
Choreography Davide Bombana
Music Ludwig van Beethoven
Assistant Roberto Zamorano
Reciting voice Marco Pierin

Conductor Justin Brown

Teatro Massimo Ballet and Orchestra



Choreography Davide Bombana
Music Arvo Pärt

After the Rain

Choreography Christopher Wheeldon
Music Arvo Pärt
Alessandra Ferri
Federico Bonelli (Royal Ballet di Londra)

Chamber Symphony

Choreography Lucinda Childs
Music John Adams
Choreography directed from Thomas Mayr

Photo © Rosellina Garbo